Warts - causes and treatment

From time immemorial, unpleasant physical structures have plagued mankind. Warts on the feet are a skin disease caused by a virus. People with skin defects were afraid of infection and noticed a tumor on the heel or other part of the body and tried to remove it as soon as possible. It's something people don't use on their warts if they're gone forever. So far, dermatologists are looking for the most effective and painless way to fight the disease.

What is a wart?

Human papillomavirus causes benign or malignant DNA mutations in skin cells. Its body is covered with papillomas, warts and papules. More than a hundred types of HPV have been studied. Warts are growths on the skin that indicate the presence of the first or third type of papilloma virus in the body. New tumors are not carcinogenic, but are highly contagious due to the viability of the pathogen in the environment.

What does a wart on the foot look like?

The heel has a round shape with open edges of one to two millimeters or centimeters. In the center, black dots of capillaries are visible. On their feet, they look like old dry corns growing on the skin. The pain caused by the growth of the heel does not manifest itself under direct pressure, but compression. The foot is characterized by the absence of papillary lines.

warts on the legs

Causes of foot warts

HPV infection is more common during unprotected sex. The virus passes through micro-cracks in the mucous membranes of the genitals. Some people's HPV virus is "in transit", while others are less so - the virus stays in the body for a long time. Dermatologists do not rule out that these papillomas are caused by immune disorders and infectious diseases.

Walking barefoot in public places: Walking barefoot in baths, swimming pools, bodybuilding salons, public baths, the beach, and barefoot is the most common cause of foot warts. The virus is viable outside its owner and can be found on towels, tiles, blankets, furniture, guest slippers, etc. b. y. s. The infection is spread through tight, narrow areas of the skin on the soles of the feet and palms, where the papilloma virus enters through minor injuries.

Warts on children's feet

Children are restless and often injured. Parents are unaware that HPV is present in the child’s body, cut and obtained through abrasion. As the immune system weakens, the virus becomes active and papilloma develops on the legs. Painful methods of combating warts on the feet in children are often contraindicated, poorly tolerated. Often, a child's body fights this disease of the skin of the feet on its own.

Types of warts on the feet

Warts are a collection of skin lesions caused by papillomas. Depending on their appearance and effects on human health, the following types of warts can be distinguished:

  • vulgar (simple) - round keratin blisters;
  • flat - rash in the form of spots on the skin;
  • filiform (acrocords) - elongated with "torn" edges formed in the folds of the body;
  • genital warts - reminiscent of a rooster's comb;
  • Aging (keratomas) - Occurs in older people, not associated with HPV.

The wart structure is localized throughout the body, in the internal organs and in the oral cavity. Wart warts are a common type of foot wart. One of the tires is a well-formed depression, which is characterized by rapid growth, which is a depression of the skin. The appearance of subungual growth slightly raises the nail plates.

warts on the heel

Treatment of warts

It is dangerous not to pay attention to the treatment of warts. Tumors of the legs are always traumatic. They are removed to stop the growth of new growth and the entry of infections. There is no complete cure for HPV. Treatment is shortened to turn the pain into a "sleep mode". Available medications, surgical, immunomodulatory removal of warts, using alternative medicine.

The disadvantage of treatment heel growths, their location: the large horny layer of the epidermis complicates the delivery of active substances to the depth of the heel. In preparation for therapy, the surface layer is moistened and peeled off. Traditionally, treatment of warts on the feet begins with the use of salicylic acid. The warts on the feet are steamed and disinfected daily in a bath for three months, then the softened surface is cleaned with pumice stone, salicylic acid is applied and a patch is applied.

Pharmacies advise on how to get rid of warts on the feet with the help of drugs containing celandine, phenol, trichloroacetic acid. The drugs cause tissue necrosis, relieve the patient of deficiency, but leave traces of healing of deep wart ulcers. Each disease is individual to varying degrees, so before choosing a method of removing warts on the soles of the feet, you should consult a doctor.

The oil

There are necrotic, antiviral, herbal oils by the method of action. In the first case, fatty acids or alkalis cutter painful growths and leave scars. At home, you can use liquid solutions for the treatment of the feet: they contain vinegar, nitrogen, oxalic, lactic acid. To prevent burns, surface neoplasms are treated intensively.

The antiviral oil in warts is applied to the growth itself and around it to reduce the growth of infection. They are used with special oils. Herbal ingredients only affect the formation of the skin. It is known that their effectiveness in the treatment of foot balm with an applicator, ointment gloves.

Modern methods of removal

The advent of modern methods of wart removal has replaced the traumatic scalpel. Like a surgeon's knife, an electrocoagulator burns the tumor in the leg with an electric current. After a laser or radiofrequency removal procedure, the foot becomes depressed. Healing takes several weeks. The effects of liquid nitrogen are very severe and require several treatments. In 2014, British dermatologists published a report on the latest antigen injection therapy. It helps patients who are currently undergoing treatment.

The doctor examines the foot with warts on the foot

People's funds

Procedures with folk remedies for warts on the legs are performed before bedtime, steaming the legs and for a long time. Protect your hands with latex gloves during use to prevent further spread of infection, and disinfect all used tools and utensils to prevent infection of your loved ones. List of effective folk remedies to get rid of warts:

  • Garlic is known for its antibiotic properties. He cuts the hardened surface of the tumor on the foot and rubs the teeth of thin garlic.
  • You can make anti-beard paste. Knead finely grated garlic, vinegar, wheat flour, spread on the surface of the tumor and fix with plaster. After a few days, the dough is removed along with the collection.
  • You can rub the soaked onion on your feet, or you can rub the growing area with vinegar and then paste fresh onion.
  • You can fill the formation with the juice of medicinal plants: celery, kalanchoe, calendula, milkweed, dandelion, golden mustache, or add a piece of apple, mountain ash, figs, potatoes, horseradish, cabbage. The procedure lasts daily, for several weeks to months, until the accumulation is lost.
  • You can cream wood ash diluted in water.
  • The plant is sprinkled with crushed chalk powder and wrapped in a bandage. Do not wet the compress.
  • Birch and willow bark containing salicylic acid has shown itself well in treatment. The bark is applied to the feet, pre-softened with boiling water.
  • Hot baths with sea salt, baking soda, laundry soap, tea tree oil or pine broth can help treat foot ailments. Treatment can be mixed or alternated.
  • Zhulin broth is used. 3 tablespoons dry floor herb brewed in a glass of boiling water and required at least 2 hours.